السبت، ٧ فبراير ٢٠٠٩

Mobile phone

Mobile phone is very important in the life. And by its means the human can make the world a small village. I well write about advantages and disadvantages of the mobile phones. And I write a bout the influence in the bast life and in the future.

The advantages are connected people together and also can be carried in the hand and an easy the use. And also its use enables you at any time and a place. And the some of telephones that the use of internet enable.

The disadvantages of mobile phone are many of moneys spend and the times. And also some the mobile phones many failures and very slow.

The life was difficult before the invention of telephones. Where the news coming a late namely after months at least. And from the old means of communication: the message that submit by the hand or the bath. And also by the travel. Therefore the life was very difficult.

As for the life after the invention of telephones then it is very easy. Where the news became coming in second and the world became just a small village. They call any one for any country. Therefore the life became advanced and the easier, so that ending all your works enables you by the mobiles.

There are many of the mobile kind like: the ordinary phone and smart phone. And there are many of the companies that make the mobiles like Al Nokia Company, Sanarkson and Samsung.

In this essay I have described some information about mobile phone. And I think mobile phone is very important for all the people. In future the mobile phone well coming very developed. That’s all information a bout mobile phone.

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